Plant for the Planet

The earth's most valuable forest is on fire…

We are witnessing fires raging in the earth's most valuable forests in Brazil, Peru and Bolivia: the Amazonian Rain Forest, the most biodiverse place on earth, serving as an enormous reservoir for climate-damaging CO2.

Großgrundbesitzer haben die Feuer absichtlich gelegt, um das Brachland als Sojaplantagen und Weideflächen für die Rinderzucht zu nutzen.


We can still save our climate!

During our research for organizations that further reforestation, we came across Plant for the Planet. Since 2008, the organization works hand in hand with selective partners in order to reforest trees, thus advocating climate justice for humans, animals and nature.


Diese Botschaft von Schweizer Forschern hat uns hellhörig gemacht. Dort wollen wir ansetzen und Verantwortung übernehmen, denn der Klimawandel ist DIE Herausforderung unserer Generation.


SchoCana – dark chocolate with hempseeds

Our contribution against climate change

2 chocolate bars = one tree

Selling two chocolate bars, we can plant one tree via Plant for the Planet. Plant for the Planet einen neuen Baum pflanzen.

Chocolate for climate

We cooperate with the manufacturer “ Weinrich GmbH&Co KG” that also has high climate standards.

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